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Partner with us!
The Indiana Primary Health Care Association advocates for quality health care for all Hoosiers, by supporting community-oriented primary care initiatives.
Our membership includes 98% of Indiana’s Community Health Centers (CHCs), who provide medical, dental, mental health, and behavioral health services to underserved and underinsured communities in Indiana – more than half a million patients last year.
Partnerships help us to finance our mission - for example providing support to Indiana Health Centers on programs like VirtualCare@home and prenatal care, and vital training on initiatives that can protect and enhance the lives of Hoosiers regardless of their financial status.
We can only do what we do because we are part of an amazing community of people, organizations, and businesses working together to create a better, more equitable, and more accessible health environment for the benefit of all Hoosiers.
Our Business Partners are a vital part of that community - and we'd like to invite your business to participate in the valuable work we do by becoming a partner.
Welcome to our Business Partnership Program!
Some of our current Business Partners are major health care providers, insurers, and wellness leaders, all contributing to and benefiting from the collaborative sharing spirit that is key to everything we do.
Partnership with IPHCA begins so many conversations and interactions with colleagues - business managers, physicians, nursing experts - in every sector of the healthcare system. And that’s not just limited to our great state - we are one of the leading primary health care associations in the country.
For companies that serve or partner with community health centers, IPHCA Business Partnership offers a powerful networking tool.
Our partnership program is designed to give your business the most exposure for your investment.
We have expanded options for Business Partners, creating three levels of partnership that provide value and flexibility. Businesses of all shapes and sizes can partner with us in a way that helps us achieve our goals and meets your requirements.
Benefits include:
- Discounts on exhibit space
- Branded content opportunities in IPHCA e-publications
- Logo featured on the IPHCA site homepage
- Logo featured on the IPHCA site partner page
- IPHCA Partner window cling
- Inclusion in Partnership Directory
- Partnership certificate for display
Gold Partners get additional benefits including:
- Year-round networking opportunities
- Sponsored issue of e-publication with company spotlight
- Social media posts across IPHCA’s social channels
- Quarter-page advertisement in IPHCA Monthly newsletter
- Promotional spot during IPHCA event
- Ad space in conference mobile app or virtual lobby
- Exhibit space at conference or advocacy event
Platinum Partners get Silver and Gold benefits, plus additional benefits including:
- Option to apply for group purchasing organization
- Discount on trainings
- Partner Appreciation Week recognition
- Welcome on IPHCA social channels and e-publication
- Sponsored and branded webinar
- Exclusive promotional eblast
- First access to additional networking and promotional events
We are honored by your interest in a Business Partnership and look forward to working with you!
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the Partnership Program with a team member, please contact:
Sean Herbold
Chief Financial Officer
For full details of our new Business Partnership Program, click the button to view / download our Partnership Opportunities brochure